Learn from the GRADWEAR gurus
Seeking wisdom? Here’s some extremely valuable advice from our seasoned pros on how to be the world’s best Rep.
How to create winning GRADWEAR designs
A good rule of thumb that guides all design: don’t overdo it! You might feel that you need to pull out all the stops and create a GRADWEAR product that’s over the top. You know, bright colours, big letters, groovy graphics! But be advised, generally less is more. Stick to the basics, and do them well, and all your fellow grads will want to rock your GRADWEAR. For instance, we suggest offering a selection of 1 to 3 garment colours and using a maximum of 2 colours in your logo or design—your school colours, of course! If your school’s spirt wear design from last year was a hit, consider using it again to keep the tradition alive!
How to generate GRADWEAR buzz at school
As a GRADWEAR rep, you’re a spirit leader at your school—but you’re certainly not alone. Find fellow spirit leaders and get them on board! Perhaps offer them early access to your GRADWEAR store. Show these key influencers that you need them—they’ll be invaluable for hyping GRADWEAR to fellow grads. Word of mouth is your best form of promotion! Also, ask your school principal or another leader to make an announcement promoting your GRADWEAR store! Get permission to stage a GRADWEAR fashion show, make a video of it and post it online!
How to use social media to promote GRADWEAR
Create social media pages and accounts dedicated to your GRADWEAR store. Post pics of your cool GRADWEAR designs everywhere and build anticipation even before your store is open for business. Make use of every platform you can! Post to Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. Once your store can accept orders, post links to in on every social app you’re plugged into. Ask your peer spirit leaders to post as well and make GRADWEAR go viral!
If your school has an Instagram account to promote prom, you might create your own account and follow everyone in your graduating class. They’ll most likely follow you in return!
How to make the most of your two-week GRADWEAR sales window
There’s an old expression in business: No matter how great your product is, “nothing sells itself.” So because you have a short 14 days to promote and generate orders, creating an organized promotional plan can make a world of difference. Make list of all the ways you can promote and schedule them in a calendar. Get friends to help with both the planning and the execution! Also, promote far and wide with “blasts” of communication once your store opens, but be sure to get in touch directly with “hot prospect” individuals who are likely to buy. Just use your natural charisma!